Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Video Reflections

Giving Packaging A New Life.
In these videos the process of many materials is outlined, and I found these videos very interesting and informative. As a designer I believe these videos have change the way I see recyclable materials such as plastics. I have always thought most plastics were recyclable and had a negative impact on the environment, however most plastics are recycled to make new things.
I found that the process of aluminium was the most efficient as there is no waste from to process of recycling as the waste just goes back into the cycle to be reused.
As a designer, in future project I will be wary of what materials are chosen in my design and how they might impact the environment and also how they will end up back into the recycling process cycle.

How It's Made: Packaging
It is important to investigate into the process of manufacturing packaging as designers, because designers are not only responsible gor each design they create but also the packaging for their designs, and should strive to design an environmentally friendly design and the packaging for their design.
The process is important as it can have an impact of the design itself. I did not know that tetrapak were made from different materials such as  paperboard, plastic/plastic foil, and aluminium foil, binded together to create a leak proof package. Now in future designs I will try incorporate these packaging knowledge as I have found out how efficient the recycling process is compared to the production of new packaging.

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